Thursday, March 1, 2012

Attitude is Everything

How you approach every situation in life depends on how your attitude has developed.

Three very interesting successive days last year will illustrate the point. One Thursday, our primary method of transportation broke down and would cost more to replace it then it was worth. Friday, my contract ended and I was let go as a permanent employee applied for my position. On Monday, the doctor said I had an 80-85% chance of having renal cancer.

Was I happy about all that transpired? No, but I was at peace. A Christian friend said, "I bet you are worried." I replied, "No." He said, "You're kidding!" to which I again replied, "No."

Behind the scenes - I have lost children to premature birth, had problems finishing a house as the construction loan was taken over by another company and neither company would give us funds to complete the home, as well as having problems finding steady employment. No matter what happened, the Lord has given me strength for each trial.

The loss of the children enabled me to talk to soldiers' families who lost loved ones in battle and pray with them. The banker gave me a suggestion that led to the owner of the construction loan to remove the $26,000 in interest they charged so we were able to tell him about our prayers and the answer. I have worked in construction with single digit temperatures as the high for the day. The Lord gave me strength and encouragement until I was able to find a better paying job.

We were able to get a replacement vehicle on one income. The 80-85% chance of cancer turned to 0% chance as the doctor has the tissue tested while on the operating table. While being unemployed and continuing to look for work, I healed properly from the surgery and didn't have to fret about my employer asking me to pick up more than eight pounds. Finally, after five months, I had an interview, was hired - partially because of the experience gained at my prior job, and found that my coworkers are down-to-earth people. We have had a chance to talk about God. He works things out in His time, but the results are more spectacular than we could have imagined!